Adapting Commercial Buildings

Most commercial and retail businesses in the city are now closed and defunct, as with the manufacturing sector. Some may continue to be of use, including textile shops, pharmacies, lumber yards, hardware stores, abattoirs and the like. Street-level shops on main streets will be out of business and better converted into family dwellings (see above).

Warehouses and some factory spaces that are close to farming and community food production can be converted into food storage spaces for grains, oils, meats, etc. Spaces selected must not have been using chemicals or toxic substances and should be generally empty, clean and neutral spaces. For example, a furniture warehouse is a preferable food storage facility over an auto repair garage.

As materials such as electronics, wiring, and building supplies get taken apart, they can also be stored by category in pre-existing electronics, hardware and building shops, to be used as a depot and source of scrap material when needed.

Read the next section, Building New Structures...

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